
Didaktik und Methodik des AU – „Unterrichtstheorie“

– Fraknoi, A.: Universe in the Classroom – A Resource Guide for Teaching Astronomy, New York 1985

– Gouguenheim, L. et al.: New Trends in Astronomy Teaching (IAU Coll. 162), London 1996

– Pasachoff, J. M. & Percy, J.: The Teaching of Astronmy (IAU Coll. 105), New York 1992

– Pasachoff, J. M. & Percy, J.: Teaching and Learning Astronomy: Effective Strategies for Educators Worldwide, Cambridge 2005

– Pompea, S. M.: Great Ideas for Teaching Astronomy, Pacific Grove (USA) 2000

– Slater,  T.F.,  Herniter M.,  Adams, J.P.,: Learner-Centered Astronomy Teaching: Strategies for Astro 101 (Prentice Hall Series in Educational Innovation), 2002

– Schlosser,W.; Schmidt-Kaler, T.; Milone, E.F.: Challenges of Astronomy – Hands on Experiments for Sky and Laboratory, Springer Verlag 1991

Quellen für die „Unterrichtspraxis“

– Couper H.,Henbest N.: Spannendes Wissen über das Weltall, Kaleidoskop Buch, ISBN3-88472-441-X

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